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[OCC2009]Stefan G. Ruehm 教授访谈
作者未知 编辑:张家程 时间:2009/6/29 18:27:00    加入收藏

问题1:心血管CT对于心脏病尤其是胸痛患者的诊断提供了一种更经济有效的检查手段,但是您认为它可以用于心肌灌注显像吗? Q 1:Cardiac CT offers a better, cost-effective approach to diagnose heart diseases especially for the patients with chest pain. But do you think it is also useful for myocardial perfusion imaging? 问题2:和MRI、PET或者SPECT相比,心脏CT心肌灌注显像有哪些优势和不足? Q2:Compare to MRI, PET or SPECT, what is the advantage and shortcoming for cardiac CT in myocardial perfusion imaging? 问题3:有研究发现心脏CT扫描可能增加患者罹患癌症风险,您如何看待这个问题? Q3:Scientists have found evidence that the risk of cancer from exposure to radiation. What is your opinion about it? 问题4:心脏CT心肌灌注显像对于临床工作有哪些帮助? Q4:What is the status of cardiac CT for myocardial perfusion imaging in clinic practice?

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